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Total Hip Reaplacement by Dr.Shreedhar Archik

25 Jan 2021

This young lady of 37 years was badly disabled due to arthritis affecting both her hips. She could barely walk due to severe pain on her right side. I am attaching a video of hers before the surgery took place. She obviously had a lot of back pain too (see how she walks). Her right leg was 3 cms shorter than the left. We went ahead with the state of art total hip replacement for her. We use a rapid recovery protocol and she was walking within 36 hours of surgery. She regained her lost leg length (3cms) and the pain just vanished. She could now climb stairs easily. I am sharing her video 6 weeks after the surgery where she can walk erect and without any walking aid. She has no pain in the back as well. Doing a right surgery at right time really changes one’s life.

-Dr.Shreedhar Archik
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