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joint replacement is also called arthroplasty, total joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which both sides of a joint are removed and replaced by artificial implants (prostheses) that are anchored to the bones.
In osteoarthritis (OA), the soft, movement-easing cartilage at the ends of joint bones breaks down and wears away as the person grows older. Eventually the bones rub directly against each other whenever the joint moves, causing pain and stiffness.
When other treatment options no longer provide relief, joint replacement may be recommended
Following joint replacement surgery, hospital stays vary depending on insurance coverage and individual medical status; a total of 7 days (including the day of the surgery) is typical. The surgery may take from 1 to 2 hours; you
This is a decision that only you and your orthopaedic surgeon can make. However, there are some general guidelines :

Also called arthroplasty, total joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which both sides of a joint are removed and replaced by artificial implants (prostheses) that are anchored to the bones.
In osteoarthritis (OA), the soft, movement-easing cartilage at the ends of joint bones breaks down and wears away as the person grows older. Eventually the bones rub directly against each other whenever the joint moves, causing pain and stiffness.
In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), chemical changes in the synovium cause it to destroy cartilage. In post-traumatic arthritis, joint pain and stiffness may develop after injury to the joint; the resulting failure of the bone and cartilage to heal properly causes the roughened joint surfaces to grind together.For more information on arthritis and knee, hip, or shoulder joint pain, go to
This is a very personal decision that only you can make, with the help of an orthopaedic surgeon
When other treatment options no longer provide relief, joint replacement may be recommended
Following joint replacement surgery, hospital stays vary depending on insurance coverage and individual medical status; a total of 7 days (including the day of the surgery) is typical. The surgery may take from 1 to 2 hours; you
This is a decision that only you and your orthopaedic surgeon can make. However, there are some general guidelines :

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